
For each Committee and Council meeting an agenda is produced. The agenda sets out information relating to the meeting – where it will be held, the time the meeting will start, the items of business to be considered and also the order in which they will be discussed.

Certain items of business listed on the agenda will be supported by an officer report, which sets out detailed information on the item - the background of the issue, why action needs to be taken and an officer's recommendation on what action they think Council should take.

Agendas and reports are made available for public inspection prior to meetings taking place. An electronic copy is published on our website and is usually available the Friday before the meeting is held.


After each meeting has taken place, minutes are produced that provide a record of the meeting – who attended, business that was discussed and recommendations / decisions that were made. Minutes are also published on our website.

Please allow seven days following a Committee meeting and fourteen days following a Council meeting for minutes to be available.

Recordings of Council Meetings

In accordance with the Recording of Council Meetings Policy all Ordinary and Special Council Meetings from 1 August 2024 will be recorded.

Opinions expressed or statements made by persons during the course of a meeting and contained within a video and/or audio recording of the meeting, are the opinions or statements of those individual persons and not the opinions or statements of the City of Mandurah.

Other than by way of a Council resolution, the City of Mandurah does not endorse or support the views, opinions or statements of individuals made at a Council meeting, which may be contained in a recording of the meeting. Endorsed Council minutes provide the definitive record of Council’s resolutions.

The City of Mandurah does not accept any responsibility for any verbal comments made during Council meetings which may be inaccurate, incorrect, defamatory, or contrary to law and does not warrant nor represent that the material or statements made during the streamed meetings are complete, reliable, accurate or free from error.

The City of Mandurah does not accept any responsibility or liability for any loss, damage, cost or expense that might be incurred as a result of the viewing or, use of or reliance on information or statements provided in a stream or archived recording of a Council meeting.

Persons accessing and using a recording of a Council meeting are taken to have accepted the terms of this Disclaimer as a condition of use.

You can view the latest Council Meeting on our YouTube channel. 

Ordinary and Special Council Meetings - Council Chambers Seating Plan



For information regarding copies of archived minutes not available on the City website, please contact the Minute Officer on 9550 3787.

Agendas and Minutes Archive

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