The City of Mandurah aims to provide a safe, welcoming and enjoyable city for both residents and visitors. 

The City works with WA Police, Neighbourhood Watch WA and other key partners to ensure community safety has a well-rounded approach and to carry out a number of these initiatives and projects.

The City's Community Safety Strategy 2024-2029 demonstrates the City’s vision and commitment to safety. This Strategy outlines the roles and responsibilities of all those involved and provides the framework for community safety initiatives in Mandurah.

The City is also excited to introduce an incentive rebate scheme to help more community members improve their home security, enhancing personal safety and peace of mind. 
From early 2025, the Safety Incentive Rebate Scheme, offering three different rebate options, will provide financial assistance to residents to improve the level of security within their home and community. 

Mandurah is a city with a village heart, and by working together, we will continue to create a safe, connected, and welcoming place for all. 

Community Safety Strategy Rebate Scheme

The Scheme

The Safety Incentive Scheme aims to support City of Mandurah residents or property owners to take an active role to improve the level of security and safety within and around their property and within their community. Further information can be found in the Safety Incentive Rebate Scheme flyer.

There are three streams of funding, which are all available for residents to apply for.

  • Security Rebate Scheme – Rebate per residence up to $250 
  • CAM-MAP WA Rebate - $50 
  • Safe & Found WA Rebate - $99 (towards cost of first year sign up)
Eligibility for all rebates

To be eligible for the Safety Incentive Scheme, you must be:

  • A resident within the City of Mandurah, or 
  • The property owner, an agent authorised to act on their behalf, or a tenant with consent from one of these. 
  • The applicant cannot have any debts or acquittals with the City of Mandurah. 
  • Residents can access the rebate under the Scheme, once in a two-year period per property. 
Security Rebate Conditions
  1. For item 10 in the table below, security devices must be provided and installed by a registered business with a Security Agents License, and sensor lights by a registered electrician. 
  2. For items 1-9 in the table below, installation may be conducted by the applicant, owner, or employee of a registered business but proof of installation may be requested – e.g. DIY will require photos as proof of installation. 
  3. One rebate per property every two years. 
  4. Any invoice needs to have business name, ABN and or security license number and the recipient’s details as well as the applicable address.  
  5. Any invoice submitted must be within 3 months of receipted date to be eligible. 
  6. The City provides no guarantee that a security rebate will be given to all eligible applicants where the allocated budget for the Scheme is fully expended prior to the end of the relevant financial year. 
  7. Applicants can install multiple security items in their home; however, the total rebate amount will be capped at $250.00 per residence.
Security Rebate eligible items

The following table lists items available for the rebate and the rebate amount per item claimable:

  1. Security sensor light $80
  2. Keyed window locks (per lock) $25
  3. Security window screen (per window) $50
  4. Roller shutters $200
  5. Security screen door $200
  6. CCTV / Security Cameras – (DIY) $150
  7. Video doorbells $50
  8. Meter Box Security $30
  9. Door Deadlock (per lock) $30
  10. CCTV / Security Cameras / Systems (Professional Install) $200
  11. Maximum home security rebate available per residence up to $250

You will be prompted to upload a copy of the invoice for the claimable items, the invoice details must match the applicants name to ensure the City may issue the rebate to the correct person. Please ensure you have this information at hand.


The City of Mandurah encourages participation from residential properties and local businesses within the City of Mandurah. The information in the database is accessible only to the registrant and WA Police Force.

To register with Cam-Map WA. Please visit the Cam-Map WA website.

If you seek to claim the rebate for registering with Cam-Map WA, you will need to provide your registration e-mail or account ID, at the discretion of the City of Mandurah, the registration may be validated. Please ensure you have this information at hand.

The application for Security rebate includes the Rebate for the Cam-Map if applicable.

Eligibility for Safe & Found WA Rebate:

If you seek to claim the rebate, registration with Safe & Found WA, is required. You will need to provide your membership number, at the discretion of the City, the registration may be validated. Please ensure you have this information at hand.

For further information visit Safe & Found website.

Note: this is a separate application.


The City of Mandurah will review your application within 12 weeks of the date submitted.

*The City provides no guarantee that a rebate will be given under the Scheme to all eligible applicants where the allocated budget for the Scheme has been fully expended prior to the end of the relevant financial year.

Who is eligible:

  • A resident within the City of Mandurah, or
  • The property owner, an agent authorised to act on their behalf, or a tenant with consent from one of these.
  • The applicant cannot have any debts or acquittals with the City of Mandurah.

How often can I apply:

  • Once every two years from date last applied.

When can I submit my application:

  • Within 3 months of the invoice and/or receipt date or subscription sign up.
  • When you have permission of owner if applicable.

When do I receive my rebate:

  • It can take up to 12 weeks.

Can I apply for all three rebates?

  • Yes, provided you are eligible and meet all the criteria.
  • Claim the Security rebate and CAM-MAP WA in one application.
  • Claim Safe & Found WA in a separate application.

Is everyone entitled to the rebate?

  • The City provides no guarantee that a rebate will be given under the Scheme to all eligible applicants where the allocated budget for the Scheme has been fully expended prior to the end of the relevant financial year.
  • Terms and conditions apply.

For any other enquiries please contact the City of Mandurah.

Purchase security item and keep receipt or sign up to CAM-MAP WA or Safe&Found WA.

Step 1
  • Log in to the City of Mandurah Online Portal. City of Mandurah Online
  • If you are not registered; follow the instructions to register
  • Click ‘Don’t have an account?’
Step 2 - Fill out form
Step 3
  • Submit your application:
Step 4
  • The City of Mandurah will process your application within 12 weeks of the date submitted.

*The City cannot guarantee security rebates for all applicants if the budget is exhausted before the financial year ends.

Safety Audit Request

Cocooning Project
To request an appointment for a free safety audit of your street or neighbourhood, please complete the Safety Audit Request form and return it to the City of Mandurah, a representative of the Community Development Team will contact you.

Home Security Audit Checklist

Cocooning Project
With the Home Security Audit Checklist you can assess the security of your property.

Holiday Security Checklist

It is essential to ensure that your home and belongings are safe while you’re away on holiday. The Holiday Security Checklist will help you secure your home.

How to Protect Your Home

The How to Protect Your Home flyer provides essential tips and guidelines to help homeowners safeguard their properties. It includes practical advice on securing entry points, maintaining safety systems, and preparing for emergencies. The flyer serves as a quick reference guide, offering simple yet effective measures to enhance home security and protect both residents and belongings.

Safety initiatives

The City of Mandurah has implemented a network of Closed-Circuit Television (CCTV) cameras throughout key locations, including buildings, public facilities, and high-traffic areas. This initiative is supported by grants from both the State and Federal Governments.

The primary goal of the CCTV system is to safeguard public and private assets, deter criminal activity, and provide evidence for investigations. Cameras are strategically placed in areas prone to high pedestrian traffic, such as the Central Business District (CBD) and entertainment precincts. 

These "hot spots" benefit from the presence of CCTV as a deterrent against anti-social behaviour and crime and serving as a 'capable guardian' in these spaces.
In partnership with WA Police, the City has formalised its commitment to enhancing safety through a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). This agreement ensures that WA Police have access to CCTV footage and equipment to support their investigations.

Requests from the public

Access to CCTV footage by the public is restricted and will only be provided under legal orders or through a formal Freedom of Information (FOI) request under the Freedom of Information Act 1992.

For more information on submitting an FOI request, please visit the Freedom of Information (FOI) page on the city’s website.

All CCTV recordings are securely stored and maintained in compliance with the State Records Act 2000, with footage kept for 31 days.

How the City of Mandurah is addressing anti-social behaviour


Cam-Map WA is a public database where owners and operators of CCTV systems in Western Australia can voluntarily register their public facing cameras. Managed by the Western Australia Police Force, the platform aims to assist in criminal investigations and improve public safety by identifying CCTV locations. Participation is encouraged from state and local government agencies, as well as the community.

The information in the database is accessible only to the registrant, who can update their own account, while the WA Police Force can view contact details for investigation purposes. However, police cannot access camera footage unless provided by the registrant.

To register with Cam-Map WA. Please follow the Cam-Map WA link.

Safe and Found WA supports people living with dementia, autism or a cognitive impairment who might be at risk of becoming lost or reported as missing, by ensuring Police have immediate access to critical information to assist when undertaking search operations. 

This is an initiative introduced by the Western Australia Police Force and Australia Medic Alert Foundation.

For further information please visit the Safe & Found website.

Supported by WA Police.

Why use Bikelinc?

Because you want the best chance of being reunited with your bike it’s lost or stolen.

  • Police can return your bike quickly and easily
  • Help reduce bike theft
  • Join a community of cycling enthusiasts
  • Easily check if a bike for sale is registered as safe, lost or stolen
  • Your personal information is secure and confidential
  • Powered by Crime Stoppers WA, ACT, TAS & the community.

Get started by visiting the Bikelinc site.

Helpful documents

Community Safety Strategy 2024 -2029 (PDF - 4.4MB)
Download PDF
Homeless Directory (PDF - 578.7KB)
Download PDF
Who to Contact - Resident information (PDF - 45.3KB)
Download PDF
Family Domestic Violence Community Directory (PDF - 44.8KB)
Download PDF
Cam - Map WA Information (PDF - 302.8KB)
Download PDF