We have worked hard to achieve a forward-looking and responsible budget in the current environment.

This year...

  • we're continuing to focus on vital maintenance across our $1.5 billion asset portfolio, including our community facilities that help to make our neighbourhoods such a great place to live,
  • we're continuing to deliver and support projects, events, programs and initiatives that diversify our economy, connect our community, protect our environment and support a healthy-active Mandurah,
  • our capital works program continues to prioritise the immediate need and most impactful projects to support our community and local economy,
  • and we’ve been able to find new savings and reduced spending.

With a considered approach, we’re able to rise to the current financial demands that we’re all facing and ensure that the impact to ratepayers is minimal, all while continuing the positive momentum we’re seeing here in Mandurah. Learn more about the 2024/25 budget.

Find out more below about rates, payment options and answers to commonly asked questions. 2024/25 rates notices will be sent out from the end of August.

Pay your rates online now

Please have your rates notice with you when paying online.


Ways to pay your rates

You can pay your rates online now at BPOINT.

Before you do, please make sure you have your latest rates notice handy. This is important because: 

  • You will need to quote your assessment number.
  • Payment needs to be the exact amount shown as due and payable or, if you are paying by instalments, the exact amount of the instalment option. 


Please note that the City's biller code for BPAY Payments has changed to 404905. Please refer to your rates notice for your BPAY reference number.

Pay your rates by BPAY via internet or phone banking. You can also sign up to BPAY View and get future rates notices sent straight to your online or mobile bank.

Post Billpay

Pay your rates via Australia Post's Post Billpay.


Rates smoothing makes it easier to manage your rates bill. It works by 'spreading' or 'smoothing' your rates payments across smaller, more manageable payments. Rates smoothing is paid by direct debit, from a cheque or savings account, on a weekly, fortnightly or monthly basis. This is a pre-paid method that commences in April and finishes in March of the following year. There are no additional fees incurred when paying your rates by Rates Smoothing.

Rates smoothing is offered as an alternative way to pay your rates, if you prefer you can still pay by traditional payment methods upon receiving your rates notice. 

Important information:

  • Smoothing the payment of your rates over the year can make the process easier for you.
  • Rates smoothing continues until you contact us and advise you wish to cancel.
  • The Rates team will vary your amount from time to time, to ensure your repayments cover the balance. You will be advised in regards to any changes to your repayments.
  • Applications must be completed and returned to the City of Mandurah as soon as possible.
  • Applications are required by March to commence your pre-payment of rates in April for the financial year ahead.
Download the Rates Smoothing application form

Payment can be made by credit card by phoning 13 18 16. Payment can be made 24 hours a day, every day. 

Please have your rates notice with you when paying by phone.

You can pay your rates in person at the City of Mandurah Administration Building located at 3 Peel Street, Mandurah between 8.30am and 4.30pm, Monday to Friday. 

You can also pay your rates at Falcon Library and Community Centre located on the corner of Flavia Street and Cobblers Avenue, Falcon between 9.00am and 5.00pm, Monday to Friday.

Cashless payments are preferred. The rates notice should be presented intact when making a payment.

Payment arrangement

If you are having trouble paying your rates you can apply for a payment arrangement. The outstanding balance is then paid on a weekly, fortnightly or monthly basis. Payments must cover the amount of the rates as well as applicable interest and administration fees.

The City of Mandurah will try to work with you to set up a suitable payment arrangement to clear your debt. We are here to help you in any way we can.

For more information please contact the Rates team on 9550 3745.

Direct debit

Payment by direct debit is very similar to a payment arrangement, however we set up a direct debit and automate the process, rather than physical payments having to be made. The outstanding balance is still paid on a weekly, fortnightly or monthly basis and payments still cover the amount of the rates as well as applicable interest however no administration fees are incurred when paying by direct debit.

Contact to the City must be made at the start of each financial year when the new rates notice is received. This is to revise the weekly, fortnightly or monthly payment amount as this will not automatically occur. Confirmation of any direct debit changes are required in writing and can be emailed through to rates@mandurah.wa.gov.au.

For more information please contact the Rates team on 9550 3745.


Cheques or money orders should be made payable to City Of Mandurah and posted to City of Mandurah, PO Box 210, Mandurah WA 6210. 

When paying by mail please ensure you detach the ‘ways to pay your account’ slip and include it in the envelope.

Australia Post

Payment is accepted at all Australia Post offices in the state. Payment must be made by the due date and the notice presented intact at time of payment. 

Rates information

The below image highlights where to find information on your rates notice.

For a full breakdown of costs and how they are calculated please see how are my rates calculated.

If you are unable to view the image please phone us on 9550 3777.


Understanding your rates can be tricky. Let’s break it down...

Every four years, Landgate revalues all properties in Western Australia for rating and taxing purposes under the Valuation Land Act 1978. Landgate collect and analyse property details to determine the Gross Rental Value (GRV).

GRV is an estimate of how much your property might earn each year if it was rented out, regardless of whether it actually is or not. Details such as location, size, age, construction and additional features, like a pool or shed, are considered. This may mean that larger, more modern properties in the same location are likely to have a higher GRV than smaller, older properties.

Vacant land GRV is calculated as 3% of the land value for residential and 5% of the land value for Business and Urban Development.

To help with understanding how GRV is calculated, Landgate have some useful videos that simply explain GRV.

Each property’s GRV is multiplied by the Rate in the Dollar (set each year by the City of Mandurah). By using this calculation, it provides a fair and consistent way to calculate the money required by property owners to pay in rates.

For example:

GRV of $250 per week x 52 weeks = $13,000
$13,000 x rate-in-the-dollar, plus relevant fees and charges = your property's rates total

The City of Mandurah’s rate-in-the-dollar is determined each year at budget time.

Should you have any questions or queries regarding your Gross Rental Value, please go to the Landgate website or phone 9273 7373 and quote your VE number as indicated on your rates notice.

Minimum Rate and Rate in the Dollar

The City imposes a minimum payment to recognise that properties must contribute a minimum amount for the provision of services and infrastructure which benefit all the community.

The Minimum Rates and Rate in the Dollar for 2024/25 are set at:

 Rate category   Rate in the Dollar  Minimum rate
 Residential Improved  $0.08967  $1,285
 Residential Vacant  $0.17193  $1,064
 Business Improved  $0.09785  $1,285
 Business Vacant  $0.17934  $1,285
 Urban Development  $0.15986  $1,285

Emergency Services Levy (ESL)

The Emergency Services Levy (ESL) charge which appears on your rates notice represents an important contribution to assist our career and volunteer Emergency Services. The ESL is not a Council charge but is collected by Local Governments on behalf of the State Government. If you have any enquiries relating to the levy, please contact the Department of Fire and Emergency Services on 1300 136 099 or visit their website at dfes.wa.gov.au.

If you have any enquiries relating to the levy, please contact the Fire and Emergency Services Authority on 1300 136 099 or visit the DFES website.

Additional charges:

Waste rubbish charge

An annual fee is charged for waste and recycling collection services. This includes two green waste verge collections and one junk collections per year.

A separate charge is levied for waste collection and disposal (including recycling).

Swimming pool inspection

State Government legislation requires the City to physically inspect all private swimming pools to ensure compliance with safety standards. The fees charged are reflective of the cost of this program.

The inspection is held once every four years. If you have a pool, the fee is spread out over the four years so is charged annually on the rates as it is 25% of the total cost.

Every four years, Landgate revalues all properties in Western Australia for rating and taxing purposes under the Valuation Land Act 1978.

In 2023, the City of Mandurah received the latest property revaluation information from Landgate for all properties in Mandurah and the new value will apply to how your rates are calculated

Revaluation impacts the rate amount by increasing or decreasing the Gross Rental Value (GRV), which can vary considerably.
What is Gross Rental Value (GRV) and how is it calculated?

GRV is the amount your property may expect to earn annually if it were rented, regardless of whether it is or not. Details such as location, size, age, construction and additional features, like a pool or shed, are considered.

This may mean that larger, more modern properties in the same location are likely to have a higher GRV than smaller, older properties.

Vacant land GRV is calculated as 3% of the land value for residential and 5% of the land value for Business and Urban Development.

Why does it occur?

A property’s Gross Rental Value (GRV) provides a basis to determine property rates, service charges and levies. In this situation, the GRV directly impacts the money you pay in rates.
The GRV information is provided to your local government, water provider and other rating authorities to calculate your charges.

How are your rates calculated?

Each property’s GRV is multiplied by the Rate in the Dollar. The Rate in the Dollar is set by the City of Mandurah. By using this calculation, it provides a fair and consistent way to calculate the money
required by property owners to pay in rates.

In a revaluation year (like 2023), the City adjusts its Rate in the Dollar to offset the increase or decrease in the average GRV before applying the rates adopted by Council.

Want to know more?

Landgate have some helpful information and useful short videos explaining property valuations.

If you have any questions about the GRV valuation or to lodge a revaluation objection, please contact Landgate.

Rate notices are sent out after the adoption of the Budget by Council. 2024/25 rates notices will be sent out from the end of August.

Once rates have been issued you have 35 days to choose and fulfil a payment option. Please see your rates notice for the due date.

Eligible pensioners and seniors may be entitled to claim a rebate (discount) on their Annual Rates and Emergency Services Levy or defer payment.

Pensioner Rebate

Claim a rebate funded by the State Government of up to 50% (capped at $750.00) off the current year’s rates and 50% off the Emergency Services Levy. Please refer to the State Government's website for details. Rebate applicable to rates and ESL only; all other charges are to be paid in full.

To be eligible for rebates under the Rates and Charges (Rebates and Deferments) Act 1992, an applicant must:

  • Be the owner and reside in the property on July 1 of the rating year,
  • Be a pensioner either:
    • in receipt of a pension and hold a pensioner concession card, or
    • hold a state concession card, or
    • hold both a Seniors Card issued by the WA Seniors Card Centre and a Commonwealth Seniors Health Card,
  • Be an owner or person with relevant interest Lease for Life occupier and reside in the property on July 1 of the rating year,
  • Have registered entitlements with the Water Corporation.

Payment of rates may also be deferred by eligible concession card holders, however services (like rubbish) must be paid in full.

Seniors Rebate

Seniors who meet the eligibility criteria are entitled to claim a rebate of up to 25% off the current year’s rates limited to the amount of $100 and 25% off the ESL only. All other charges are to be paid in full.

To be eligible for concessions under the Rates and Charges (Rebates and Deferments) Act 1992, an applicant must:

  • Be the owner and reside at the property on July 1 of the rating year
  • Be a senior in possession of a State Seniors card issued by the WA Seniors Card Centre
  • Be an owner or person with relevant interest Lease for Life occupier and reside in the property on July 1 of the rating year
  • Have registered entitlements with the Water Corporation.

A pro-rata rebate on Council rates and ESL to pensioners and seniors may be available.

To obtain your rebate you must clear any outstanding arrears.

Please contact the City to make an arrangement.

If your circumstances change, advise the Water Corporation on 13 13 85 or visit their website.

Visit the Water Corporation website to apply for a concession

If you are having trouble paying your rates for any reason, the best thing to do is to contact the City of Mandurah as soon as possible. We have a number of different payment options designed to help relieve financial pressures. We will work with you to understand your situation and provide a solution that will work for you.

The most important thing to remember is to contact us before your rates payment is due, this will help avoid additional fees and charges.

For help and advice please contact on 9550 3777.

What do my rates pay for?

Rates and charges are our main source of income and are used to maintain infrastructure and deliver services and facilities for our community. 

With your rates contribution, we deliver and support a huge variety of projects, events, programs and initiatives that diversify our economy, connect our community, protect our environment and support a healthy-active Mandurah, helping to make Mandurah the great place that it is. 

Some examples include:

  • neighbourhood and community activations and events
  • community and business grants
  • business training, advice, regulation and support
  • community workshops and training
  • environmental education and partnerships
  • tourism attraction and services
  • statutory functions (like planning and building)
  • maintenance across our $1.5b asset portfolio, that includes an incredible array of community facilities, that’s our libraries and community centres, sports facilities, performing arts centre, boat ramps... all of the things that help to make our neighbourhoods such a great place to live.
  • there’s also an exciting events program with favourites like Crab Fest, our Christmas Pageant and the Christmas Lights Trail. Events like these, help connect our community and boost our local economy.

Read more about the City’s budget.

Why am I paying rates on vacant land?

Rates are charged on all property as per the relevant State Act. As mentioned previously the funds from rates paid are used to fund the City’s infrastructure and services.

Where’s my rebate?

Eligible pensioners and seniors may be entitled to claim a rebate (discount) on their Annual Rates and Emergency Services Levy.If you have registered for this rebate with the Water Corporation, then you will find the discount listed under the RATES AND CHARGES DUE section of your notice called -

Less State Government Rebate – Council Rates

Less State Government Rebate - ESL

To be eligible for a rates rebate (discount) you must:

  • Be the owner and live at the property as at 1st July
  • Be an owner or person with relevant interest as a Lease for Life occupier as at 1st July
  • Hold a seniors card
  • Hold a pensioner concession card
  • Hold a state concession card
  • Hold both a seniors card issued by the Office of Seniors Interests and a Commonwealth Seniors Health Card, or
  • Hold a Commonwealth Seniors Health Card, and have registered entitlements with Council or the Water Corporation

To apply for a rates concession contact the Water Corporation on 1300 659 951 or visit the Water Corporation website.

Do I get a reminder when I pay by instalments (option 2 or 3)?

Yes, you will receive a reminder notice approximately one month prior to the due date. However you must ensure that you pay the exact amount shown on the rates notice in one payment, by the due date. 

Failure to pay the exact amount shown by the due date will mean that they system won’t recognise your choice to pay by instalment option 2 or 3 and you won’t receive a reminder notice. Additionally you will register as having an overdue balance. 

What are the other charges on my rates bill?

A separate charge is levied for your property’s rubbish service for the year. This fee covers both your weekly household rubbish pick-up plus your fortnightly recycling pick-up. This also includes two green waste verge collections and one junk collection per year, plus two green waste tip vouchers and two general waste tip vouchers.

An annual swimming pool inspection fee may appear on your notice if you have a swimming pool or spa. This covers the cost of a compulsory pool barrier inspection every four years at your property.

In addition to the above, all local governments are required to collect the Emergency Services Levy (ESL) for the Department of Fire and Emergency Services (DFES). The ESL funds Western Australia's fire and emergency services, including all career fire stations, volunteer fire brigades, State Emergency Service (SES) units and the multi-purpose volunteer emergency service units.

All local governments are required to collect the ESL on behalf of DFES and have been since 2003/2004.

For more information about the ESL, call DFES on 1300 657 209 or visit the DFES website.

When does the rate year run?

The rate year is per financial year 1 July to 30 June. Rates are due 35 days from the date of issue on notice.

I am about to sell my property and there are still rates to be paid - how is this worked out?

This is completed by your appointed settlement agent at settlement who will apportion the rates accordingly between the buyer and seller.

Why have I received an Interim Rates Account?

If there is a change which affects the value of a property, the owner will be sent an Interim Rates Account. The most common reasons why Interim Rates Accounts are sent are:

  • A new property/subdivision (i.e. vacant land)
  • A new house/building completed
  • Waste/rubbish service charge
  • Demolition of a building
  • Additions/extensions to a house/building

What should I do if I change my address?

Please advise us promptly in writing of any changes in your address. You can use the Notification of Change of Address Form to fill in the new details. The change of address form can then either be;

  • posted to the City at PO Box 210, Mandurah WA 6210,
  • handed into the City in person at 3 Peel Street, Mandurah or alternatively scanned and emailed to council@mandurah.wa.gov.au.

There is an obligation for property owners to ensure that the City has the correct address for service of notices.


More information about the annual budget Visit page

Receive your rates notice electronically

You can receive your annual rate notice and instalment reminders electronically straight to your inbox Register now for eRates

Helpful resources

Understanding Gross Rental Value and the impact on rates (PDF - 602.9KB)
Download PDF
Rates Smoothing Application (PDF - 876.7KB)
Download PDF
Change of Ownership Form (PDF - 270.9KB)
Download PDF
Notification of Change of Address Form (PDF - 262.4KB)
Download PDF
Change of Bank Account Details Form (PDF - 456.1KB)
Download PDF
Company Trust Details and Address Form (PDF - 208.2KB)
Download PDF
Direct Debit Request Service Payment Agreement (PDF - 311.2KB)
Download PDF
Objection to Rates (PDF - 282.1KB)
Download PDF
Specified Area Rate Information 2024 (PDF - 1.1MB)
Download PDF