The City welcomes community participation in its decision making processes. Members of the public have the option of public participation by submitting their question, public statement or deputation (by the application deadline) which they can read or request that the Presiding Member read for them at the meeting.
For support with this process please contact the Minute Officer on (08) 9550 3787 or
Public Question Time
The City is committed to ensuring fair and equitable access to public question time.
Whilst members of the public are not required to put questions in writing before the meeting, providing questions in advance will assist in coordinating the meeting. All questions must relate to the ordinary business of the City, the function of Council or the purpose of the Special Council or Committee Meeting as appropriate. Each member of the public who wishes to ask a question is allotted to ask up to three (3) questions. Sub-parts of questions are counted as a question (ie. question 1 parts (a), (b) and (c) will be counted as three questions).
The Presiding Member will call forward community members wishing to ask a public question near the start of the meeting. A member of the public who raises a question during question time is to state their name and address.
City officers will make every attempt to provide an answer. However, should this not be possible, your question will be ‘taken on notice’ and a written response sent to you once the necessary research has been undertaken; this response will also be included in the next Council agenda. If a response to a question has recently been provided, City officers may direct the member of the public to the minutes where the response is available.
Questions asked at a Council Meeting will be live streamed and included in the recording of the meeting that is available on the City’s website. If you are not comfortable asking the public question yourself, you can request that this is read on your behalf by the Presiding Member.
Please complete and submit a public question time form to permit your question to be addressed.
If you have any questions with regards to participating in public question time please contact the Minute Officer on (08) 9550 3787 or
At each Committee and Council meeting time is provided for deputations.
Community members are welcome to make a deputation on an agenda item either in favour of or against the recommendation listed in the agenda. Deputations give you the opportunity to express your views on a proposal that is listed on the agenda.
The Presiding Member will call forward community members wishing to make a deputation near the start of the meeting. Unless otherwise approved by the Presiding Member each Deputation is not to exceed 5 minutes. Deputations made at a Council Meeting will be live streamed and included in the recording of the meeting that is available on the City’s website. Please be advised that members of the public images will not be captured by the live stream or recording. If you are not comfortable making the deputation yourself, this can be read on your behalf by the Presiding Member.
If you would like to make a deputation or require assistance with the process, please complete a deputation application form and submit it to the City by 12pm on the day of the council meeting.
Public Statement Time
At each Committee and Council meeting time is provided for public statements.
Public statements provide a way for you to put forward your views on a matter that is not listed on the agenda. This can be a great opportunity to be able to communicate with the City on any issue you feel needs to be raised. Please complete the public statement application form to lodge your views on an item not listed on the agenda, this needs to be submitted to the City by 12pm on the day of the council meeting.
The Presiding Member will call forward community members wishing to make a public statement near the start of the meeting. Public Statements made at a Council Meeting will be live streamed and included in the recording of the meeting that is available on the City’s website. Please be advised that members of the public images will not be captured by the live stream or recording. If you are not comfortable making the public statement yourself, this can be read on your behalf by the Presiding Member.
Petitions are formal written requests of Council, signed by more than four people. Petitions inform the City of Mandurah’s Council, in a public way, of the views of sections of the community and serve as a means of informing Council of community concerns. Any elector or group of electors may petition the Council to take some form of action over a particular issue.
It is important to note that the subject of a petition must be a matter on which the Council has the power to act.
The City of Mandurah's Standing Orders Local Law 2016 sets out a number of requirements governing the format and presentation of petitions.
One of the first items of business at a Council meeting is to receive any petitions that has been presented. The Elected Member presenting the petition will read out a summary of the reasons for the petition being submitted and the amount of signatures within it.
When the petition is received, no discussion on the matter will take place, however the petition will be referred to the responsible Directorate within the City for appropriate action.
Petitions are formal written requests of Council, signed by more than four people. Download a petition form and follow the instructions to complete the content. When received, City officers will contact the petition organiser to confirm details and provide information on arrangements for the petition to be addressed.
For more information
For more information on how to prepare or present petition please contact the Minute Officer on (08) 9550 3787 or