Emergency Information and Contacts

000 for fire or life threating emergencies

132 500 for SES (e.g. storm damage)

131 444 for Police (non urgent assistance)

Emergency information

Alerts and warnings about emergencies occurring in Western Australia may be available at Emergency WA.

Download the emergency app Emergency+ for accurate location information.

The EmergencyWA website and the apps provide information on fires, floods, storms, earthquakes, tsunamis, hazardous material incidents and traffic crashes.

This information is sourced from a range of agencies including:

Refer to your local utility providers for information about outages or faults.

Visit the EmergencyWA website for current emergencies and warnings

Local venues that may be used as evacuation centres are:

  • Mandurah Aquatic and Recreation Centre
  • Halls Head Recreation Centre
  • Bortolo Pavilion
  • Falcon Pavilion

If you need to evacuate, first seek shelter with family or friends. The Department of Communities is responsible for the opening and management of an evacuation centre. Its location will depend on the nature and extent of the incident. The details of the nominated centre will be published in official warnings.

The City is responsible for the recovery of affected individuals, communities and infrastructure following an emergency.

Information on the recovery process and available services may be published here.

There are currently no City managed recovery processes underway

Emergency planning and preparation

The Equi-Evac Centre Network was funded by the All West Australians Reducing Emergencies (AWARE) program and facilitated by the City of Mandurah. This project was the recipient of the WA Resilient Australia Awards 2017 and the National Resilient Australia Awards 2017.

The project aims to develop short term evacuation arrangements for equestrian communities who may be displaced in times of disaster. These resources will assist local governments and equestrian communities to create consistent, district-wide procedures for the management of evacuation centres at local public equestrian facilities, and enhance local welfare arrangements during a crisis.


The 'Prepare the Peel' Project was funded by the National Disaster Resilience Program, and aimed to;

  • Raise emergency preparedness in the Peel tourism industry, focusing on the short term accommodation sector
  • Promote consistent messaging at the 'Looking', 'Booking' and 'Checking-in' stages of a visitor's journey 
  • Better prepare the traveller by encouraging the use of emergency 'alerting' and 'reporting' mobile Apps and resources 

The Department of Fire and Emergency Services and the City of Mandurah would like to acknowledge all the project partners and participating networks.


Any queries regarding the project or resources can be directed to: emergencymanagement@mandurah.wa.gov.au

The City promotes local emergency planning and preparedness through the Local Emergency Management Committee and Bush Fire Advisory Committee.

Local Emergency Management Committee (LEMC)

The Local Emergency Management Committee is a planning body who develop and maintain local emergency management plans. The committee draws on experience from emergency, welfare and essential services.

Bush Fire Advisory Committee (BFAC)

The Bush Fire Advisory Committee provide advice on bushfire planning and prevention. 

The committee consists of career and volunteer fire brigade members, local and state government agencies.

Learn more about council advisory groups and committees

Emergency management plans

LEMA - General Plan (PDF - 1.6MB)
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LEMA - Local Recovery Plan (PDF - 1.9MB)
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LEMA - Vulnerable Communities Plan (PDF - 1.2MB)
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LEMA - Animal Welfare Plan (PDF - 599.7KB)
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