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The City, together with local services and stakeholders and with the support of The Western Australian Alliance to end Homelessness (WAAEH), have developed the Mandurah Shared Approach to Ending Homelessness Action Plan 2025-2027. The action plan brings together planning and integration of services in an approach to tackle the highly complex issue of homelessness in our city.
Learn more about the Mandurah Homelessness Action Plan
The Mandurah Assertive Outreach Service commenced in September 2021. The service aims to assist vulnerable community members who are experiencing homelessness to access support locally.
If you know somebody who needs help please refer them to St Pat’s using the referral form or contact St Pat's Mandurah Office 6372 4816. Opening Hours- Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 08:00 - 14:00.
Developing a strategic plan to address the needs of Australian Early Development Census (AEDC) and reducing the vulnerable domains of the AEDC data, including:
Physical Health and Wellbeing
Social Competence
Emotional Maturity
Language and Cognitive Skills
Communication Skills and General Knowledge
The COVID 19 Pandemic economic downturn is impacting many families and individuals who previously would not have found themselves in hardship. The City is coordinating with Emergency Relief Providers and Financial Support Organisations to plan for the ongoing and future impacts of the COVID 19 Pandemic.
For more information on emergency relief availability locally please see our online contact sheet.
The City developed an internal working group to Promote Equality and Prevent Violence. The group have established processes to building awareness regarding Family Domestic Violence (FDV) in the workplace and committed to implement prevention strategies aimed at the community. The City has made a pledge to Peel Says No To Violence for their commitment to prevent FDV in the Mandurah community. For more information regarding the City’s Pledge, please see link to Peel Says No To Violence website
The Family and Domestic Violence Peel Interagency Network (FDV-PIN) provides opportunities for organisations and service providers in the Mandurah and Peel Region to connect, share information and resources, identify trends and gaps, explore opportunities for collaboration and avoid duplication.
The Network will strengthen liaison between organisations, and enhance referral pathways and client access to services related to (but not exclusive of) family and domestic violence, gender based violence, sexual assault and abuse.