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Registrations can be completed at the following locations (Monday- Friday). Remember to bring proof of sterilisation (certificate) if sterilised and your dog's microchip number. Please contact your local veterinarian for costs associated with sterilisation and microchipping.
City Administration Building
3 Peel Street, Mandurah, 8.30am – 4.30pm
Falcon Library and Community Centre
Cobblers Road, Falcon, 9.00am – 5.00pm
After registering you will be issued with an identification tag. Dogs must wear this plus a collar with name and owners contact number.
Renewing your dogs registration is easy to do by paying online using BPOINT - Make payment. Alternatively you may visit one of the above locations or phone customer service on 9550 3777.
Holders of a Pensioner Concession Card receive a 50% discount on these fees. Please contact your local veterinarian for costs associated with sterilisation and microchipping.
Dog owners are required by law to have all dogs over the age of three months microchipped and registered with Local Councils. Registrations are transferable within Western Australia.
The benefits of registration are:
Registration periods are from November 1 to October 31 each year, regardless of the date when the dog is actually registered.
When you move address, relocate an animal or your animal sadly passes away, please advise us of these changes.
Change of animal ownership must be done in writing on an Animal Registration Change of Ownership Form and the previous owner of the animal must have signed this form before change of ownership can be completed.
Please Note: It is an offence to sell or give away a dangerous dog (restricted breed).
Only two dogs are permitted to be kept at any one residence. You may keep puppies until they reach the age of three months. Should you wish to keep more than two dogs please complete the application to keep more than 2 dogs and submit over the counter at the City Administration Building, 3 Peel Street, Mandurah between 8.30am – 4.30pm.
Please note there is a $75.00 fee to be paid on application (this is non refundable). If you have any queries regarding the application, please contact or phone 9550 3777 to speak to a customer service officer.
A dangerous dog (declared) is a dog who:
There may also be other behaviour that meets the criteria to declare a dog ‘dangerous’.
Dog poo in any public place is not only offensive in smell and appearance, but carries a huge risk of disease and infection.
Dog poo can infect adults and children with:
All can cause significant illness
Dogs can contract diseases from infected poos such as:
Most are highly contagious and often fatal (especially for puppies). If the poo isn’t picked up and breaks down in the soil, some of these diseases can be present in that soil for up to two years.
Dog owners are responsible for picking up after their dogs and we encourage you to carry your own poo bags. Failure to pick up after your dog in public may result in a fine of $100.
Dog owners are legally required to clean up after their pets in public areas. To assist with this, the City has placed dog poo bag dispensers at several public bins throughout Mandurah. These bags are replenished only when the bin is emptied, and the City cannot guarantee that the dispensers will always be stocked with dog poo bags.
While the City provides dog poo bags to support responsible pet ownership, it remains the responsibility of dog owners to ensure they have bags with them when walking their dogs. Dog poo bags can also be purchased at various retail outlets.
In an effort to reduce environmental impact, the City is transitioning to providing compostable dog poo bags at selected public bins. While compostable bags are more expensive than traditional single-use bags, they offer several environmental benefits:
Why aren’t dog poo bags replenished more frequently?
Dog poo bags are restocked by our waste contractor on a weekly basis when the bins are emptied. It's important to remember that while the City offers this service to assist dog owners, the responsibility for providing dog waste bags ultimately lies with the owner.
Why don’t all public bins have dog poo bags?
Providing dog poo bags at every public bin would be a significant expense, considering the cost of the dispensers and the ongoing supply of bags. The City maintains over 800 public bins, and the cost of supplying bags to each one would be considerable.
While dog owners are responsible for bringing their own waste bags when walking their dogs, the City provides dog poo bags at selected public bins to help those who may have forgotten or run out. Dog poo bags are also widely available at large retail outlets in Mandurah.
For further information, contact the City of Mandurah, Ranger Services on 9550 3777 or email
We may have your animal in the pound, or can place it on our missing animal register which is checked when an animal is found by a Ranger or a member of the public. Please check our current impounded animals to see if we have it safe in our pound.
If your animal is not in the pound, please contact Rangers on 9550 3777 to add your details to our Lost Animal Database to help with its safe return.
Before your animal can be released:
$66 poundage, plus $34 per day thereafter.
For further information, contact the City of Mandurah, Ranger Services on 9550 3777 or email