The City encourages the use of public areas as a means of enhancing the vibrancy and community activation of our public spaces, whilst managing the competing needs and interests of pedestrians, consumers and local business proprietors.

The creation of Trading Permit Guidelines enables a consistent approach to utilising the City's spaces.

Fees for trading permits can be viewed at Schedule of Fees and Charges.

Trading permit information

All commercial and aquatic operators require a trading permit.

Within the city centre waterfront precinct, key locations have been identified where trading activity is encouraged.

There are also a number of locations throughout Mandurah, outside of the City Centre Waterfront Precinct, which have been designated as suitable sites for commercial and aquatic operators. 

Alternative locations not identified within Figures 1 and 2 may be considered subject to approval by Council.

1 Expression of Interest - Commercial and Aquatic Operators

The City of Mandurah is calling for submissions from experienced commercial and aquatic operators wishing to trade at approved locations within the City Centre and Waterfront Precinct for 2024/2025.

The City has released Trading Permit Guidelines that encourage the use of approved locations by commercial and aquatic operators as a means of enhancing the vibrancy and community activity, and facilitating enjoyable, interesting, unique and convenient leisure and recreational options for residents and visitors. The City encourages entrepreneurial tourism opportunities that contribute to the wellbeing of residents and the experience of visitors to Mandurah, and to the growth of small business.

The commercial and/or aquatic operators shall outline in detail their proposed operation to enable the City to evaluate their submission. The EOI requests that operators identify their approved location preference. The City will work with applicants to determine whether there are opportunities for co-location of commercial operators.

The City will not consider Expressions of Interest for mobile food trading in this EOI process. This EOI does not permit any storage or permanent structures to be erected/placed on City land. It is expected that any activity to be removed at the end of each trading day.

1.1 Trading Locations

Please use the 2024/25 City Centre Trading Permit Location Map for further details.

1.2 Application Information

Applicants shall complete the Expression of Interest Application Form

2. Permits

2.1 Trading Permit

Successful applicants will be required to submit a further application for a trading permit prior to commencing operation. Trading permits shall be subject to conditions of operation applied at the City’s absolute discretion. Trading permits are issued for three, six or twelve month periods.

Fees and charges payable for the application of a trading permit and for the commercial and/or aquatic operation are set out in the City’s 2024/2025 Schedule of Fees and Charges.

2.2 Vehicle Access Consent

Should the operater require access to the site, an application for vehicle access form must be submitted.

3. Selection Process

The City will consider each expression of interest received on its merits. Applicants should refer to section 2.8 of the Trading Permit Guidelines and be aware of the following non-exhaustive list of relevant considerations to the City’s selection of commercial and aquatic operators in preparing their submission:

  • The socio-economic benefits of the operation to the City, including local employment opportunities;
  • The degree to which the operation complements or conflicts with existing commercial operators;
  • How the operation will minimise risk of harm to the surrounding built and natural environment;
  • The degree of experience and maturity that the commercial and/or aquatic operator has in providing the operation, including commercial referees and demonstrated safety, health and environment control systems. 

3.1 Selection Timeline

The selection timelines outlined below are indicative only and subject to change at the City’s absolute discretion.

Stage 1: 

Expression of interest opens: 9 September 2024
Expression of interest deadline: 27 September 2024
Selection: Weekly from 16 September 2024

Stage 2:

Trading permit application: From mid-September 2024
Trading permit issue: From late-September 2024

4. Submission Deadline

The deadline for submissions is 5pm AWST Friday, 27 September 2024.

For more information, download the full terms and conditions.

All Mobile Traders require a Trading Permit.
Mobile Traders are encouraged to locate within the pre-approved locations indicated in the Trading Permits Guidelines, however, alternative locations may be considered by the City of Mandurah, with the exception of:

  • the Eastern Foreshore;
  • the Western Foreshore;
  • Mandurah City Centre (area bounded by Mandurah Terrace, Pinjarra Road, Gibson Street and Sutton Street;
  • Mandurah Ocean Marina;
  • All road reserves which are under the control of Main Roads WA (Mandurah Road, Old Coast Road, Mandjoogoordap Drive and Pinjarra Road east of Mandurah Road);
  • Major roads under the control of the City of Mandurah (which include Peel/Allnutt Street, Mandurah Terrace (south of Anstruther Road), Anstruther Road, Pinjarra Road (west of Mandurah Road), Murdoch Drive, Gordon Road and Leslie Street.

Application information

  • Applicant details and details of assistants;
  • Proposed location(s) of trade including site plan(s);
  • Proposed means of vehicular access to the site;
  • Days and hours of trade;
  • Details of goods and services to be traded;
  • Details of any structures, stall or vehicle (s) to be used (photographs to be submitted where possible);
  • Vehicle and trailer licence plate details;
  • Copy of public liability insurance to the value of $20 million;
  • Any other additional information to support the proposal.

All trading permits are valid for a maximum of 12 months. The valid permit is required to be displayed and/or produced upon request.

Once approval has been granted for either type of permit, a permit fee will be required to be paid prior to the commencement of operations.

Download an application for a trading permit

All Operators – Application Fee

Renewal Fee

Transfer of Permit

Mobile Traders
$57.25 per day
$228.25 per week
$456.50 per month
$1,712.00 summer (1 October to 30 April)
$2,853.75 per annum

Commercial and Aquatic Operators
$913.25 per annum
$627.50 summer (1 October to 30 April)

Ice-cream & Confectionary Traders
$182.70 per month
$913.25 per annum