Our commitment
The City of Mandurah strives to achieve best value for money in its procurement and to ensure that its purchasing activities are open, transparent, and consistent with all regulatory and policy requirements.
The principle of value for money does not mean that the City will automatically select goods and services with the lowest price. In determining best value for money the City will balance all relevant factors including initial cost, whole of life costs, quality, reliability, timeliness and risk factors.
City of Mandurah Officers identify the appropriate method to procure goods, services or construction needed in accordance with Council Procurement Policy and applicable procedures.
This section covers all upcoming procurement's managed by Governance Services under a structured procurement process. These include:
Tenders (valued over $250,000)
Formal Requests for Quotation (valued over $50,000 - $249,999); and
Expressions of Interest.
To assist suppliers to prepare for upcoming opportunities early tender or quotation advice is provided under the Upcoming Procurement Section.
If you require any further information about supplying goods or services to the City please contact tenders@mandurah.wa.gov.au
Tenders Register
The City's Tenders Register can be found below and is included to meet the provisions of the Local Government (Functions and General) Regulations 1996 Part 4 Division 2 (17).
2025 Tender Register
2024 Tender Register
2023 Tender Register
2022 Tender Register
2021 Tender Register
2020 Tender Register
2019 Tender Register
City of Mandurah E-Procurement
The City of Mandurah uses the Tenderlink portal to advertise tenders and other purchasing requirements to the market and to manage the procurement process through to contract award stage.
Free Supplier Registration
We welcome current and potential suppliers of goods and services to register on this portal. There is no charge for registration. To register, click on the registration tab on the Tenderlink Site.
Why Register?
Once confirmed as a registered supplier, you will receive email notification of any new opportunities we publish. You will also be able to access this portal to:
- View any associated documentation
- Participate in Q&A forums
- Submit electronic bid responses through our secure, e-tender box facility
Should you have any technical questions, queries or problems with the Tenderlink portal please contact Tenderlink on 1800 233 533.
All tenders are publicly advertised in the West Australian newspaper in the Local Government section of the Classifieds.
- They may also be advertised in local newspapers.
- The lowest of any tender/quotation is not necessarily accepted.
- Canvassing of Elected Members or employees of the City will automatically disqualify an applicant.
- Late tenders will not be considered.