Changes to Voting in the upcoming local election 

The State Government is implementing some changes to the way the community votes in the local government election. 

One of the key changes is from the first-past-the-post system of voting to optional preferential voting (OPV).

This change will be introduced from the 2023 local government elections which will now be in line with state and federal elections.

OPV will strengthen democracy by giving ratepayers a greater choice of candidates.

For more information please see our FAQ below.

Make your vote count in the Local Government Election

The City of Mandurah encourages everyone that is eligible to make their vote count by voting in the election for their preferred local representative.

Voting in a local government election is not compulsory in Western Australia. However, all electors are strongly encouraged to vote.

The Western Australian Electoral Commission conducts the Election on behalf of the City of Mandurah and it is a postal election. 

All eligible electors receive a postal voting package two to three weeks prior to polling day, depending on the service delivery of Australia Post. The package will include a list of candidates, ballot papers, instructions on how to vote and a declaration.

The next election will be held on Saturday 18 October 2025 and run by the Western Australian Electoral Commission (WAEC).

A full copy of the Election Timetable and additional information can be accessed on the WAEC website

How to vote

An election package, including ballot papers, reply paid envelopes, a list of candidates, instructions on how to vote and a declaration are mailed to all electors approximately three weeks before Election Day.

Electors will have the opportunity to make their vote count by either:

  • Posting using the reply paid envelope provided;
  • Delivered in person to the City of Mandurah, Administration Office at 3 Peel Street, Mandurah
  • Delivered in person on Election Day to the Mandurah Seniors and Community Centre at 41 Ormsby Terrace, Mandurah until 6pm.

The Electoral Roll

If you are a ratepayer and/or resident of the City of Mandurah, please ensure you are enrolled on the State Electoral Roll at a property with the Mandurah district or apply to the City of Mandurah as an owner and/or occupier of a property within the Mandurah district.

Electors are encouraged to check their enrolment on the State or Commonwealth electoral roll prior to the enrolment closure date.

You can check your enrolment at

You are eligible to vote in local government elections if you are:

  1. Correctly enrolled on a State or Commonwealth electoral roll
  2. A resident of rateable property or land within the City of Mandurah
  3. A non-resident owner or occupier of rateable property or land within the City of Mandurah
  4. Nominees for bodies corporate (companies) which own or occupy rateable property within the electorate. A corporate body may nominate up to 2 persons to vote on its behalf

New Ward Boundaries to be implemented from the 2023 Local Election

Did you know the City undertook a ward review in 2023 which resulted in a minor change to the ward boundaries?

For more information please view the Mayor and Councillors page.

Frequently Asked Questions

Please visit the Local Government Reform page of the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries website.
Please visit the Optional Preferential Voting page of the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries website.

It is really easy and it is all about choices - your choices.

So just imagine there are 3 candidates

You can:

  1. Vote for just 1 candidate — just put a number 1 next to the name of that candidate.
  2. Vote for some — just put a 1 next to the name of the candidate you like best and a 2 next to your second choice.
  3. Vote for all — put a 1 in the box for the candidate you like best and then a 2 for your second choice and a 3 for your third choice. If there are more candidates, you just keep numbering if you want to.

For more information please visit the Optional Preferential Voting page of the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries website.


Councillors represent each of the four wards of Mandurah. At the 2025 Ordinary Election, you will be voting for a nominated candidate from your ward and a nominated candidate for the Mayor.

Ward maps are available for your information on City of Mandurah website and the boundaries of each ward within the Mandurah District.

The next Ordinary Local Government Election will be held on Saturday 18 October 2025.

Voting packs will be distributed by the Western Australian Electoral Commission approx. two to three weeks prior to the election.  Your completed vote can be either:

Posted: votes must be mailed in and reach the WAEC before the election to ensure they are counted.

Hand delivered: drop it into the secure ballot box at City’s Administration Building, 3 Peel Street, Mandurah  before 4.10pm on Friday prior to the election day;

Election Day: Electors can drop off their completed voting package at the Mandurah Seniors and Community Centre, 41 Ormsby Terrace, Mandurah between the hours of 8am and 6pm. 

Misplaced or lost packages can also be reissued prior to the Election at the Administration building between the hours of 8.30am and 4.00pm, and on Election Day at the Mandurah Seniors and Community Centre. Voting closes at 6pm.

If you do not receive a voting package or if you have misplaced it you may:

  1. Visit the City’s Administration building between 8:30am and 4:00pm and we will reissue your voting package; or
  2. Vote in person on Election Day at the Mandurah Seniors and Community Centre, 41 Ormsby Terrace, Mandurah between 8.00am and 6.00pm.

Yes, the City of Mandurah Mayor is voted in by the electors. The next mayoral election year is 2025.

If your address is in Mandurah, contact the WAEC to update your enrolment details.

Update your enrolment details

If you are eligible to be on the Owner and Occupiers Roll please contact City of Mandurah’s Governance Services on 9550 3735, or email to ensure that your eligibility can be considered.

Update your enrollment details
You are only able to vote once in each ward.
You are able to vote in each Ward and therefore an enrolment eligibility claim form should be completed for each Ward, however only one vote can be cast for the position of Mayor.
Download an enrolment eligibility claim form

Yes, provided you enrol with the City of Mandurah by submitting an enrolment eligibility claim form.

Download Enrolment Eligibility Claim - Owner or Co-Owner 
Download Enrolment Eligibility Claim - Occupier or Co-Occupier 

Yes, provided the company nominates up to two Directors and/or other persons to vote on its behalf.

Whether a church or charity can nominate an elector depends on whether or not the property is rateable. Only the owners or occupiers of rateable property may enrol to vote. If the owner is a body corporate that owns rateable property, then the body corporate may nominate up to two persons to enrol on its behalf.

For example, if a church owns four properties, and only one of these properties is rateable, then the church may nominate up to two persons to enrol on its behalf, and these two persons may vote only in the Ward where the rateable property is situated. 

If you enrol as an owner of rateable property (this includes nominees of a body corporate which owns property) then your enrolment remains valid for as long as you continue to own the property.

If you enrol as an occupier of rateable property then your enrolment remains valid for two ordinary elections. If your enrolment was lodged too late for an election, then it remains valid for a period which covers three elections, although you may not vote in the first election.

No, voting is not compulsory; however, electors are encouraged to make their vote count by participating in the election of their preferred local representative.

All residents in a local government district who are enrolled on the State Electoral Roll are automatically enrolled on the corresponding local government roll.

Electors are encouraged to check their enrolment on the State electoral roll prior to the enrolment closure date at

People who own or occupy property within a local government district, can apply to their local government to be included on the roll as an owner/occupier, as long as they are eligible electors. A body corporate may apply to have up to two eligible electors to be included on the owner/occupier roll.

If a person lives within one local district or ward, and owns or occupies property in a different district or ward, they may be entitled to a vote in both areas, provided they are enrolled for those addresses.

You are a non-resident occupier if:

  • You live outside of the Ward of a rateable property;
  • Have had continuous occupation of that property (for at least 3 months - can prove through lease, tenancy agreement etc…) within Mandurah; and
  • Appear on the State or Commonwealth Roll for an address outside of the Ward. 

If a corporation owns or occupies rateable property within the City of Mandurah, then they may nominate two persons to represent the body corporate. If the corporation owns properties in more than one ward, then the same representatives must be nominated for all properties.

To nominate representatives to enrol, please complete the Enrolment Eligibility Claim - Nomination by Group of Owners or Occupiers form. Each nominee must then complete an Enrolment Eligibility Claim - Owner or Co-Owner and/or Enrolment Eligibility Claim - Occupier or Co-Occupier form. The forms can be submitted together to the City of Mandurah for consideration and approval prior to the “Owner and Occupier Roll” deadline.

If you believe you are eligible to be a non-resident occupier, a joint owner / occupier or part of a corporation, please complete an Enrolment Eligibility Claim - Owner or Co-Owner and/or Enrolment Eligibility Claim - Occupier or Co-Occupier form and send in to the City of Mandurah to be assessed for approval on the “Owner and Occupier Roll”.

Voting registration documents

Enrolment Eligibility Claim - Owner or Co-Owner (PDF - 87.9KB)
Download PDF
Enrolment Eligibility Claim - Occupier or Co-Occupier (PDF - 95.5KB)
Download PDF
Enrolment Eligibility Claim - Nomination by Group of Owners or Occupiers (PDF - 86.7KB)
Download PDF
Enrolment Eligibility Claim - Nomination by Body Corporate (PDF - 89.7KB)
Download PDF