Being an Elected Member gives you an opportunity to contribute to the community and influence decisions that shape the future of Mandurah.

The City of Mandurah encourages people from diverse backgrounds to nominate for election. For more information about running for election please visit the WAEC website

The role of an Elected Member is set out under section 2.10 of the Local Government Act 1995:

  1. Represents the interests of electors, ratepayers and residents of the district and takes account of the interests of other persons who work in, or visit, the district;
  2. Participates in the deliberation and decision-making of the local government at council and committee meetings;
  3. Facilitates communication with the community about Council decisions;
  4. Facilitates and maintains good working relationships with other councillors, the mayor and the CEO;
  5. Acts consistently with section 2.7(3) to (5); and
  6. Maintains and develops the requisite skills to effectively perform their role.

To enable Elected Members to effectively represent the community and carry out their role equitable allowances and reimbursements of out of pocket expenses are supported by the City.  Such allowances are paid in accordance with the provisions of the Salaries and Allowances Act 1975.

Candidate Information Session

Wednesday 13 August 2025 at 6pm
Tuckey Rooms, Council Chambers, 83 Mandurah Terrace, Mandurah

Nominations Open: Thursday 28 August 2025

Nominations Close: Thursday 4 September 2025 at 4pm

Further Information

Returning Officer, Western Australian Electoral Commission

Frequently Asked Questions

To stand for election as a council member, or a mayor elected by the people, you must:

  • Be 18 years of age or older;
  • Be an elector of the district;
  • Have a term that ends on election day (if you are a current council member), unless you are standing for election as a mayor directly elected by the people of the local district;
  • Complete a free online induction course.

You do not need to be an elector within the ward for which you are standing.

A nomination form needs to be completed and accompanied by a candidate profile, and a deposit of $100.00.  If the deposit is not paid at the time of lodgement of the nomination form, it must be paid before nominations close.  If the candidate is being nominated by an agent, the nomination form must also include written authorisation from the candidate. 

Nominations can only be made to the Western Australian Electoral Commission Returning Officer during the designated nomination period. The Returning Officer will be available to assist with the nomination process and queries from candidates or the public at the City of Mandurah at designated times.

For further information visit the WAEC Election Website – Summary Information for Candidates Manual.

Nominating to become an Elected Member of the City of Mandurah Council is an important decision. The role is rewarding and challenging, and can often be time consuming, demanding and complex.

Being an Elected Member gives you an opportunity to contribute to the community and influence decisions that shape the future of Mandurah.

Elected Members have opportunities to:

  • make decisions that help shape the local community;
  • influence the long-term vision and direction of the community;
  • learn new skills, such as leadership, public speaking and advocacy;
  • work with diverse and committed people on a range of issues; and
  • show leadership and advocate on behalf of the community.

There are many benefits from being involved in your local Council; namely the sense of satisfaction you will achieve from serving your community and being involved in making important decisions for the future.

The importance of the role of our Elected Members cannot be underestimated.  It involves a strong commitment to achieve effective local government, which improves the quality of life in your community.

Information for candidates

Factsheet - Electoral Advertising and Permit Request (PDF - 247.0KB)
Download PDF
Disclosure of Electoral Gifts factsheet (PDF - 46.7KB)
Download PDF
Disclosure of gifts form (PDF - 157.7KB)
Download PDF