Being an Elected Member gives you an opportunity to contribute to the community and influence decisions that shape the future of Mandurah.
The City of Mandurah encourages people from diverse backgrounds to nominate for election. For more information about running for election please visit the WAEC website
The role of an Elected Member is set out under section 2.10 of the Local Government Act 1995:
- Represents the interests of electors, ratepayers and residents of the district and takes account of the interests of other persons who work in, or visit, the district;
- Participates in the deliberation and decision-making of the local government at council and committee meetings;
- Facilitates communication with the community about Council decisions;
- Facilitates and maintains good working relationships with other councillors, the mayor and the CEO;
- Acts consistently with section 2.7(3) to (5); and
- Maintains and develops the requisite skills to effectively perform their role.
To enable Elected Members to effectively represent the community and carry out their role equitable allowances and reimbursements of out of pocket expenses are supported by the City. Such allowances are paid in accordance with the provisions of the Salaries and Allowances Act 1975.
Candidate Information Session
Wednesday 13 August 2025 at 6pm
Tuckey Rooms, Council Chambers, 83 Mandurah Terrace, Mandurah
Nominations Open: Thursday 28 August 2025
Nominations Close: Thursday 4 September 2025 at 4pm
Further Information
Returning Officer, Western Australian Electoral Commission