The City of Mandurah is committed to creating an accessible and inclusive community for people with disability. The following information, equipment and facilities are designed to empower people with disability to plan their visits and enjoy time at the beach.

The Mandurah Accessible Beach Guide aims to empower power people with disability to plan their visits to the beach and make informed decisions about accessible beach options in Mandurah.

Mandurah Accessible Beach Guide

To support successful planning for a visit to the beach in Mandurah you can read and download a Social Story™ about the experience by clicking the button below. Or, you may select to watch a short video story about visiting the beach in Mandurah. A Social Story™ explains new experiences and environments using storytelling techniques. It can help anyone feeling nervous about attending a place or event for the first time.

View Beach Access Video Social Story

Beach Access Social Story

The City of Mandurah provides two beach wheelchairs and a beach walker at Keith Holmes Reserve to borrow at no cost.

Hippocampe Beach Wheelchair

  • Weighs 17kgs
  • Fully collapsible
  • Not intended to be self-propelled
  • Maximum user weight 130kg

Portability: Can be dismantled and transported to different locations.

Booking required: Yes

User Manual: Hippocampe user manual

Hippocampe instruction video: Video

Hippocampe beach wheelchair

Hippocampe Beach Wheelchair

Track and Trail Beach Wheelchair

  • Maximum user weight 130kg
  • Not intended to be self-propelled.
  • Not intended for extreme conditions or to be submersed in water.

Portability: For use in and around Keith Holmes Reserve. Not to be dismantled.

Booking required: Yes

User Manual: Track and Trail user manual 

Track and Trail Beach Wheelchair

Track and Trail Beach Wheelchair

Beach Walker

  • Designed to navigate over sand, mud, gravel and grass.
  • Width 89cm
  • Overall depth 91cm
  • Adjustable handle height 87cm – 96cm
  • Maximum user weight 120kg

Portability: Can be folded and transported to different locations. Ensure you know how to fold the equipment and that your car boot has space to prevent damage.

Booking required: Yes

User Manual: Beach walker user manual

Beach Walker instruction video: Video

All Terrain Beach Walker

Beach Walker

How to borrow the beach wheelchairs and beach walker:

Bookings for the Hippocampe beach wheelchair, Track and Trail beach wheelchair and Beach Walker must be made in advance to the Mandurah Ocean Marina Chalets.

Bookings can be made by completing an application at the Mandurah Ocean Marina Chalets.

Address: 6 The Lido, Mandurah

Phone: 9535 8173


Office Hours: Mon - Thurs 9am to 3pm, Fri & Sat 9am to 5pm, Sun closed. The storage key may be provided outside of regular hours by sharing the lock-box details.

Explore beach wheelchair availability at Mandurah's Eastern Foreshore and enjoy ramp accessibility to the Estuary Pool and beach. Two wheelchairs can be borrowed at no cost from the toilet facility, but you'll need a Master Locksmiths Access Key (MLAK) to open the storage, as loan keys are not available.

Mobi Beach Wheelchair

  • Maximum user weight 136kg
  • For both adults and children
  • Floats in water

Portability: Only to be used at the Eastern Foreshore. Not to be transported to other locations.

No booking required

User Instructions: Mobi Beach user manual

Mobi Beach Wheelchair Instruction Video: How to use video

Mobi-Beach Wheelchair

Mobi-Beach Wheelchair

Platypus Aquatic Wheelchair

  • Maximum user weight 120kg
  • User operated brakes
  • Swing away arms for side transfer
  • Folding footrest for front entry
  • Seat height 53cm
  • Seat width 48cm
  • Back Rest Height 47cm

Portability: Only to be used at the Eastern Foreshore. Not to be transported to other locations.

No booking required

User Instructions: Platypus Aquatic user manual.

Platypus Aquatic Wheelchair Instruction Video: How to use video

Platypus Aquatic Wheelchair

Platypus Aquatic Chair

How to access the beach wheelchairs on the Eastern Foreshore:

  1. Before borrowing a beach wheelchair, read the user instructions and watch the related video to learn how to use it safely.
  2. Use your MLAK key to open the beach wheelchair storage room at the Eastern Foreshore.
  3. Don't have a key? Consider applying for one. An MLAK key also opens Changing Places facilities. Learn how to apply for an MLAK below.
  4. A loan key is not provided. Please contact if you have any questions.
  5. A hoist is available in the Changing Places facility at the Eastern Foreshore ablution block. If needed, a beach wheelchair can be wheeled into the Changing Places facility for safe access.
  6. While using a beach wheelchair, store your personal wheelchair in the Beach Wheelchair Storage room. The City is not responsible for any theft, loss, or damage to personal wheelchairs stored in this room.
  7. After use, return the beach wheelchair to the storage room and rinse off with the provided hose.

How to access a Master Locksmith Access Key:

  1. To access the Changing Places facilities, Liberty Swing and the Eastern Foreshore Beach Wheelchair storage room provided by the City of Mandurah, people need an MLAK. Wheelchair accessible toilets are still available where Changing Places facilities are located and can be accessed without a key.
  2. For WA Companion Card holders, MLAK keys are free for a limited time. To apply, email or call 1800 617 337.
  3. MLAK keys can also be ordered from the Master Locksmiths Association of Australasia Ltd. They are available for purchase by people with disability, family members, support workers, and disability organisations. For more information visit the Master Locksmiths website at .

  • Beach Wheelchair and Walker Responsibilities for Users
  • Two support adults must accompany each person using a beach wheelchair including land and water activities.
  • People should not be left alone whilst using a beach wheelchair or beach walker.
  • Do not pull the beach wheelchairs backwards.
  • Note the maximum weight capacity for each beach wheelchair and walker.
  • Some beach wheelchairs are not to be taken to different locations from storage.
  • Assess beach, water, and wave conditions and check the depth of the water before use.
  • Support adult should check water safety and depth before use.
  • Return the beach wheelchair on time.
  • Clean the beach wheelchair after use, removing saltwater and sand with the hose provided.
  • The borrower is aware that conditions at waterways in Mandurah can change suddenly due to wind, sand, and tides.
  • The City does not accept responsibility for any damages, losses, claims, or liabilities, including public liabilities, associated with the use of the beach wheelchairs and beach walker, unless found negligent.
  • The borrower cannot hold the City responsible for any damages, losses, claims, or liabilities that may occur while using the wheelchair, unless the City is found to be negligent.

Please make sure you have:

  • Read and understood the Mobi-Chair® Beach Wheelchair Safety Manual or Platypus Aquatic Chair User and Care Instructions (add links)
  • Viewed and understood the ‘Responsibility of User’
  • Organised two support adult persons to enter the water.
  • Checked weather conditions such as wind strength, incoming tides, possible storms and heat
  • Noted in an emergency to call 000.

1. Is there a cost to borrow the beach wheelchairs? No.

2. Can I take the beach wheelchairs to another location?

  • The beach wheelchairs stored at the Estuary Pool and adjacent beach on the Eastern Foreshore cannot be used at different locations.
  • The beach walker and Hippocampe beach wheelchair stored at Keith Holmes Reserve can be transported to a different location.
  • The Track and Trail beach wheelchair stored at Keith Holmes Reserve cannot be transported to a different location.

3. How long can the beach wheelchairs be hired for?

  • The Mobi beach Wheelchair and the Platypus Aquatic Wheelchair from the Eastern Foreshore may be borrowed for half a day. Please record the time borrowed and estimated time of return on the whiteboard in the storage room.
  • The Track and Trail Beach Wheelchair can be borrowed for one day.
  • The Hippocampe Beach Wheelchair and the Beach Walker can be borrowed for two days, with longer periods negotiable.

4. Can the beach wheelchairs go into the water? Yes. Two support adults are required when entering the water.

  • The Platypus Aquatic Chair can be immersed in water but does not act as a floatation device. Two support adults are required when entering the water.
  • The Mobi-Chair® is a floating beach wheelchair designed to access low water levels. It requires two supporting adults to aid floating, with the water level not exceeding waist height. As the water level reaches halfway up the balloon tyres, the wheelchair will begin to float, with the user experiencing a slight tilt backward during the transition.
  • The Track and Trail Beach Wheelchair is not designed to be fully submerged in water but can safely navigate through shallow water levels.
  • The Hippocampe beach wheelchair should not be submerged in water, and water levels should not exceed the height of the rear axle.