
Have you found a syringe in a public area and want to know what to do?

  • Don’t be alarmed
  • Find a strong rigid-walled plastic container with a lid
  • Bring the container to the syringe
  • Pick up the syringe by the blunt end (away from the sharp point)
  • DO NOT hold the container when you are putting the syringe in
  • DO NOT try to put the protective cap back on the needle
  • Place the needle and syringe point first into the container
  • Make sure the container lid is tightly sealed
  • Put the container in a domestic rubbish bin
  • DO NOT put syringes down toilets, in recycling bins or post boxes

If you are uncomfortable disposing of the syringe please contact the City.

Is there an unfit/derelict property near you?

All properties are required to be maintained to a minimum standard . 

These standards relate to such things as maintaining:

  • roofs and guttering in a sound weatherproof condition
  • footings, foundations and walls
  • all pipes, fittings and fixtures connected with water supply
  • drainage/sewage in working order

If you have concerns with an unfit, damaged or derelict property please complete and submit a service request form to the City.

What are the rules for smoking in public places?

As a general rule smoking in enclosed public places and licensed premises is banned, this also applies to certain outdoor public places:

  • Between the flags at patrolled beaches
  • Within 10 metres of any children’s playground equipment
  • In or on a vehicle where a child under 17 is present
  • In outdoor eating areas unless a smoking zone

Responsibility of business owners:

  • Display no smoking signs in entry to liquor licensed premises
  • Prevent smoke entering enclosed public places

If you have concerns about smoking in public places please complete and submit a service request form to Health Services. 
For information about quitting smoking visit Quit Now.

To assist with deterring stray/feral cats from entering your property, there are plenty of commercial products available from pet stores and other retail outlets. Please ensure all care is taken to prevent other domestic animals from eating or inhaling suggested cat repellents.

Some other deterrents include:

  • Oil of Wintergreen sprayed on your fences
  • Mineral Turpentine sprayed or soaking an old rag in turps and wrapping it around a stick in the garden
  • Cloudy Ammonia, Orange Peel and Cayenne pepper.
  • Naphthalene Flakes in a bag
  • Vicks Vapour Rub smeared around
Deterrent recipe:
  • 1 bulb of garlic or 1 large onion (diced and mashed)
  • 1 teaspoon of Cayenne Pepper or 1 teaspoon of Tabasco Sauce
  • Add 4 cups of warm water
  • Soak for 1 to 2 hours (or overnight)
  • Strain into a watering can or spray bottle

Ranger Services has a small quantity of cat traps that City of Mandurah residents/ratepayers can borrow. There are conditions that must be followed when hiring the trap and a bond of $130 payable on collection.

The City of Mandurah Cat Local Law 2019 came in to effect 29 January 2020. This Local Law allows for the City to penalise the owners of nuisance cats. If a cat is trapped and is found to be registered, microchipped & sterilised it will be returned to the registered owner, along with an order to control the nuisance. If the cat is trapped again, a $200 penalty will be issued. If the cat is not registered with Local Government it will be impounded.

Contact City rangers on 9550 3777 or email

Documents on other common issues

Holiday home complaint handling procedure (PDF - 44.1KB)
Download PDF