The City's Carbon Footprint

Although we aim to minimise our impact, day-to-day council services do result in greenhouse gas emissions. These include:

  • Street Lighting: This makes Mandurah a safer and more enjoyable place to live. It accounts for 33% of the City’s operational emissions.
  • Landfills and Waste Processing: Energy for transport and sorting of waste, and emissions from landfilling of waste. This forms 22% of the City’s operational emissions.
  • Electricity and Gas Usage: Powering the MARC, libraries, community centres, as well as all other City operated buildings. This also includes lighting and irrigation for parks and reserves. This contributes 33% to the City’s operational emissions
  • Council Vehicles: Used to maintain our roads, transport equipment and council workers that maintain our City. These emissions represent 12% of the City’s operational total.

See how the City's operational carbon footprint has changed since 2011.

The City’s main emission reduction projects fall under two categories:

City Actions: Strategies, such as the Strategic Community Plan, that council or community members can adopt and directly affect the City’s operational carbon emissions.

City Partnerships: Relationships with other councils, government bodies, private enterprises, and educational institutions that will contribute to reducing emissions in our community and beyond.

The result of these actions means less reliance on fossil fuel energy, reduced city spending, and cheaper energy for our community. 

See the Emissions Timeline for more detail on the City’s main emission reduction projects since 1999.

Renewable Energy

The City previously invested in renewable energy through the solar plan and geothermal heating at the MARC. The City has now committed to sourcing renewable energy for 100% of our contestable electricity supply. This procurement will run until 2025.

The renewable energy for this contract will come from three WA Wind Farms:

  • Albany Wind Farm
  • Collgar Wind Farm
  • Emu downs Wind Farm

See how much of the City's energy comes from renewable sources.

Zero Carbon Communities

Zero Carbon Communities is an initiative of Beyond Zero Emissions and Ironbark Sustainability. It helps councils and communities reduce their emissions. You can join the network as an individual or group.

The Snapshot community emissions tool can show you Mandurah’s community-wide emissions.

There are lots of little things you can do to help reduce emissions. These include:

Saving Energy at Home

  • Find out how to save energy by using it carefully in your home
  • Turn off lights when not in use
  • Turn down the heating or cooling and check central heating timers – there's no point heating the house after we have left for school or work
  • Use the Energy Rating Calculator for home appliances
  • Wait and fill the dishwasher and washing machine with a full load, instead of half loads more frequently
  • Hang out the washing instead of tumble drying it
  • Fill the kettle with only as much water as you need
  • Compare your household electricity bill to the average household in your area
  • Take shorter showers to save electricity and/or gas
  • Switch to low energy light bulbs


Buying Solar and Batteries


Sustainable Transport


Green Buildings



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Climate Change in WA submission (PDF - 522.3KB)
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Offshore wind farms submission (PDF - 265.2KB)
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