Calling all Mandurah residents! We need your valuable feedback on the Draft Concept Design for the Eastern Foreshore North-Central Precinct, an important part of the Mandurah Waterfront Project. This is an exciting opportunity for you to help shape one of our most loved waterfront spaces.
In 2018, we engaged in extensive consultation with residents and stakeholders to establish the vision for the Mandurah Waterfront Precincts. Thanks to your input, we have already completed the Eastern Foreshore South Precinct, featuring the amazing Kwillena Gabi Pool, as well as the Western Foreshore Recreation Precinct, which includes the Mandurah Skate Park and the Koolaanga Waabiny Playground. We have also finished phase one of the Smart Street Mall upgrades.
Now, we are embarking on the final stage of the Mandurah Waterfront Project. The Eastern Foreshore North-Central Precinct includes the vicinity around the Mandurah Visitor’s Centre heading south through to the existing toilet block at the southern end of the Foreshore.
The initial design includes a welcoming plaza at the Visitor's Centre, larger alfresco areas around the businesses at the northern end of the foreshore, and the creation of a play area for all abilities to complement the existing playground on the Western Foreshore. Additionally, there will be a shared space for events, increased shelters and trees, and improved pathways for pedestrians and cyclists. The design also aims to highlight our community's connection to Mandurah's history and the water.
To view the Draft Concept Design and provide feedback, please visit mandurahmatters.com.au and have your say before the feedback period closes on Friday, 23 June. More background information can be found here. Keep an eye on our Facebook page for information about upcoming face-to-face feedback sessions.
We appreciate your participation and look forward to working together in creating a remarkable waterfront precinct for everyone to enjoy.