Thursday, 6 April 2023

After working closely with Dambo and partners, FORM Building a State of Creativity and the City of Mandurah are pleased to reveal this new Giant will take up residence at Coodanup foreshore, replacing the much-loved Vivi Cirklestone which was damaged in December last year.
Mandurah Mayor, Rhys Williams said, "Thomas Dambo’s Giants have very quickly become a significant part of Mandurah’s story and we look forward to welcoming the newest addition to our community.
“We are immensely proud to be Australia's home for this worldwide sculpture trail and it is not just our local community that has embraced the wonder of these sculptures, with Mandurah Visitor Centre seeing a massive 400 per cent increase in visitation since we launched this project.”
Deputy Premier and Minister for Tourism Roger Cook said, "The Giants of Mandurah has proven to be one of Western Australia's most popular events over the past six months, with more than 86,000 visitors descending on the Peel region to see the Giants since its launch in November.
"It has been wonderful to see the community come together to support the establishment of this one-of-a-kind outdoor exhibition, which will continue to elevate the fantastic Peel region as a tourism and leisure destination."
Dambo has been exceptionally busy since launching the Giants of Mandurah. After leaving Australia he went straight to Singapore to create another exhibition, has been working on a soon-to-be released book, and most recently, launched the global hunt for his 100th sculpture, of which Western Australia's own Giants are an integral part.
"I loved spending time in sunny Western Australia. It's home to some of the most beautiful and unusual nature settings I've been fortunate to call my office. I have also been absolutely blown away by how popular the Giants have been, and all the kind messages I continue to receive from people around the world who visit them. My team and I are so happy to leave a new Giant in the care of the Mandurah community,” said Dambo.
Community and collaboration have been an integral part of bringing the Giants of Mandurah to life.
FORM CEO Tabitha McMullan said, "It takes a cast of many to deliver a world-class cultural tourism experience like the Giants of Mandurah. There are a large number of people who have contributed their time to this project including our generous partners; Winjan Aboriginal Corporation; the amazing cohort of volunteers involved; community groups; local business and tour operators; school students who helped create some of the jewellery worn by the Giants; the dedicated artist team, and of course, Thomas Dambo, and everyone who has so far visited the Giants."
Volunteers are once again invited to assist Dambo's team with the construction of the new Giant between 8 - 15 May, 2023. Anyone interested in getting involved can contact the Peel Volunteer Resource Centre or FORM Building a State of Creativity.
After installation, a free family event celebrating the Giants of Mandurah will be held at Coodanup foreshore on a date to be announced.
The Giants of Mandurah has been initiated and produced by FORM Building a State of Creativity and delivered in collaboration with the City of Mandurah. The project is supported by the State Government through Tourism WA’s Regional Events Program, Lotterywest, and the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries; as well as the Alcoa Foundation and the City of Subiaco.
The outdoor exhibition is on display at least until the 12 November 2023.
Free resources are available to help visitors plan their adventure and discover the Giants, including the official Travellers' Companion, which can be downloaded at the