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Thursday, 2 March 2023
Woman reads program while looking at colourful artwork

A collection of award-winning garments and other unique, handcrafted pieces from the 2022 Wearable Art Mandurah competition are now on show at a special exhibition at Contemporary Art Spaces Mandurah (CASM).

The Wearable Art Mandurah exhibition features 11 awarded garments and 15 additional pieces from the 2022 Wearable Art Mandurah Showcase, which was held in November last year. The carefully curated exhibition garments have been chosen to showcase the fascinating forms, shapes and mediums that the designers have used for their creative expression.

Designers from around the world, including Germany, Ireland, New Zealand and Romania, join local, state and national artists in having their garments exhibited at the Mandurah gallery, on show to the public until Sunday, April 2.

The exhibition provides audiences with an opportunity to get up close, examine and appreciate the minute details and intricate craftsmanship in the work. Many designers and artists have spent hundreds of hours on their creations.

This collection of garments demonstrates an incredible diversity of skills, methods and materials utilised by the Wearable Art program participants, and everything from phone books, packing foam, foraged branches, tea bags and book pages have been used to create these works of art.

The exhibition was officially launched on Friday, February 17 with live entertainment, garments on roving models and speeches celebrating the participating designers.

After 12 years of presenting revolutionary works of art on the body, this Wearable Art Mandurah exhibition will be the last event for the Wearable Art Mandurah program, with Mandurah Council resolving to discontinue the competition late last year. This final exhibition celebrating the work of the 2022 designers will give the Mandurah community an opportunity to honour the dedication of all designers and program stakeholders who have participated and contributed to the lifespan of the program.

On the final day of the exhibition (April 2) a series of Artist Talks will be held where designers share their inspirations and creative processes behind their garments.

The CASM gallery is open from Wednesday – Sunday from 10am-4pm and is free entry for members of the public to enjoy.