As part of the City of Mandurah’s ongoing capital works program, important road upgrade works are programmed at the intersection of Aldgate Street and France Street.
To ensure the safety of road users and construction workers, it is proposed to temporarily close the above referred section, to through traffic, for periods during the works.
The period of the proposed temporary road closure is:
- 7 February, 2022 to 22 April, 2022
Detours will be in place to minimise inconvenience and ensure that access to local properties and businesses are maintained. Local residents will be assisted by traffic controllers while accessing their properties.
The City apologises for any inconvenience that may be caused. Your co-operation and patience are appreciated to enable the works to be completed as soon as possible.
Written submissions can be made to and will be considered until 5pm on 4 February, 2022.
For any queries relating to the temporary closure and planned works please contact customer service on (08) 9550 3777.
Mark R Newman
Chief Executive Officer