The City of Mandurah encourages its electors to be involved and engaged with the City of Mandurah.

Notice of Meeting

The City of Mandurah adopted its 2023/24 Annual Report at its meeting of 17 December 2024.

The City of Mandurah’s Annual Electors’ Meeting will be held at 5.30pm Monday, 10 February 2025 in the Mandurah Seniors Centre, 41 Ormsby Terrace, Mandurah to discuss the Annual Report and Financial Statements for 2023/ 24 and any other general business. Please note this year's Annual Electors Meeting has been moved from the Council Chambers.

Members of the public are invited to attend.

Copies of the 2023/24 Annual Report and Financial Statements are available for viewing on the City’s website.

Change in venue

View Public Notice


Procedure  Annual General Meeting of Electors

Electors General Meeting - Electors' question form

Electors General Meeting - Electors' request to propose a motion form

There are two types of electors' meetings:

Annual general meeting of electors

  • Held once every financial year following the acceptance of the City’s annual report for the previous financial year and any other general business.

For information on the procedures that apply at an Annual General Meeting of Electors’ please view Procedure – Annual General Meeting for Electors

The 2024 Annual General Electors Meeting was held on 26 February 2024 and the minutes of the meeting are available via the Agendas and Minutes page

Electors' Special Meeting

  • Held at the request of 300 electors or 5% of the number of electors (whichever is less) or 1/3 of the number of Council Members, to discuss a specific matter.

For information on the procedures that apply at an Elector's special meeting please view Procedure - Electors' Special Meeting.

At each of these meetings, any elector of the district who is present is entitled to vote on the matters to be decided, but does not have to vote.

The decisions made at an electors' meeting are to be considered at the next meeting of Council. If this is impracticable, the decisions are to be considered at the subsequent meeting or at a special meeting of Council.

What is an Electors' Special Meeting?

An Electors’ Special Meeting is a type of meeting under the Local Government Act 1995 that may be requested by the electors of the district.

It’s important to understand that this meeting is not a decision making forum. The purpose of the Electors’ Special Meeting is to discuss a specific matter as outlined in the request which will then be presented to Council for consideration at the next Ordinary Council Meeting or soon as reasonably practicable.

Who can request an Electors’ Special Meeting?

Electors of the City of Mandurah may call for an Electors’ Special Meeting by submitting the required form to the Mayor. The form must be signed by 300 electors and specify the matters to be discussed.

A request for an Electors' Special Meeting must specify the purpose for which the meeting is being called in a brief and clear manner.

What happens once the Elector's Special Meeting is requested?

The Mayor can decide whether or not to hold a special electors’ meeting or permit a particular matter to be discussed at a special electors’ meeting if a meeting has already been held in the last 12 months on the subject, in whole or in part, or if a special electors meeting has already been convened for that purpose.  However, when this power is exercised the Mayor is required to raise the matter at the next ordinary meeting of Council.

Upon confirmation of the request by the Mayor, the CEO will convene an Electors’ Special Meeting by giving 14 days public notice of the date, time, place and purpose of the meeting.

The Electors' Special Meeting will take place not more than 35 days after the request for the meeting was received by the Mayor.

Who can vote at an Electors’ Special Meeting?

To vote at an Electors’ Special Meeting, you must be an elector of the City of Mandurah. An elector means a person who is eligible to be enrolled to vote at elections for the City of Mandurah and includes ratepayers.

You must be an elector to vote at the meeting. 

How do I vote at an Electors' Special Meeting?

Voting at an Electors' Special Meeting is by a simple show of hands. You will be asked to raise your hand if you are ‘for’ a motion being passed, or if you are ‘against’ a motion being passed.

The CEO will count all votes when the vote is called, so please ensure you keep your hand raised until your vote has been counted.

Can my vote be in secret?

Voting at the Electors' Special Meeting cannot be in secret. As an elector, you do not have to vote on any motion if you do not wish to do so.

I am not an elector, can I participate?

Only electors can move, second, speak to and vote on motions at a Electors’ Special Meetings.

During the meeting can I raise other matters?

Electors’ Special Meeting are restricted to discussion on the matters specified in the request.

What happens with motions passed at an Electors’ Special Meeting?

Decisions made at electors’ meetings will be considered by Council at the next Ordinary Council Meeting, or as soon as reasonably practicable.

For a decision made at an electors’ meeting to become a decision of the Council, the Council must adopt or agree to it at the next Ordinary Council Meeting.

It is important to note that any decision made at an electors meeting is not binding on the Council and is not a decision of Council.

Who runs the Electors’ Special Meeting?

The Presiding Member for an Electors’ Special Meeting is the Mayor, or if the Mayor is unavailable, the Deputy Mayor may be delegated this responsibility.

The role of the Presiding Member is to run the meeting in accordance with the order of proceedings. It is very important that all attendees of the meeting follow the instructions of the Presiding Member to enable the meeting to run in accordance with the meeting procedures.

Am I allowed to record the meeting?

No audio or visual recording may be undertaken without the permission of the Presiding Member.

Will I be able to get a copy of the minutes of the Electors’ Special Meeting?

Yes. The minutes of the meeting will record a summary of the meeting and the outcome of the motion. It will not be recorded verbatim.

Will I need to follow the WA Government COVID requirements?

Yes, you will be required to comply with the current COVID restrictions that apply in Western Australia 

View the Factsheet: FAQs - Electors Special Meeting